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Tree Surveys: What Are They and Why You Might Need One

A tree survey is used to discover key information about trees on both private and public landscapes. This allows property owners and estate managers to make informed decisions about what to do with the trees, including whether to remove them or not. Tree surveys in Essex are carried out by qualified tree surgeons who work in accordance with the British Standard BS5837.

What information does a tree survey provide?

A tree survey can provide you with a wide range of important details about the trees on your land, including:

  • Number of trees
  • Unique tree reference numbers
  • Tree age
  • Tree species
  • Tree life expectancy
  • Tree measurements including height (m), diameter (cm) and crown radii (m)
  • Tree health
  • Recommendations for tree management

Professional tree surgeons will know how to carry out a tree survey to the correct standard, providing you with all the information you need to make informed decisions about the trees on your land.

Why might a tree survey be required?

There are many reasons that a tree survey might be required. Most commonly, you might be considering felling the trees so that you can use the land for a different purpose. Since some species of tree need protecting by law (specifically the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981), it’s essential that a tree survey is carried out to identify these trees. Destroying a protected tree without the council’s consent is a criminal offence and you could be prosecuted as a result.

You may also need a tree survey if you want to change your property or landscape. For example, you might want to build on land near some trees. The information provided by the survey can help to generate realistic designs on a computer, allowing you to see more accurately what it will look like once complete.

If a tree has to be kept due to being under a TPO, the landscape designer can work around it, incorporating it into their plan so that it doesn’t look out of place. Moreover, because trees add value to a property, a survey will be useful for helping you decide which to keep and which to remove.

A tree survey can also be carried out to identify diseased or dying trees on your land. This is important since these trees are at risk of falling, making them a real hazard. Trees which have fungal decay could fall down at any point, particularly during bad weather. Removing these trees is usually the best option.

Who can carry out a tree survey?

Since performing a tree survey is a special task that requires skill, knowledge, and expertise, it should only be carried out by a qualified tree surgeon. A tree surgeon can carry out accurate measurements and present all the information in a simpler, clear manner that’s easy for you to understand. When hiring a tree surgeon to carry out a survey, it’s important to make sure they work to the British Standard BS5837.

To arrange for a professional tree survey to be carried out, contact Essex Tree Brothers today.

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